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Patriots and Paws is a local Orange County charity that provides practical home furnishings to Veterans, Active Duty, Reservists, and their families, for FREE.
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Gary Sinise On The Importance Of His Character Lt. Dan To The Military

All this mouth camouflage being stated here about carrying on our legacy!
NOT ONCE has our legacy been mentioned which is
until I have just now!
It seems to me that some people at the top are jockeying things around to stay in the driver's seat to control the future of any named organization not even showing the purpose of the organization.
I had dinner with John Rowan one night during the 9th district convention in Denver years ago, and I mentioned the name (Guardians of the Vietnam Veterans Legacy) it is a Legacy that we need to have caried on. Is it not?
He shot down the idea. It does not matter what our personal name is since we were only numbers when we served. We were not World War or Korean veterans or any other veteran other than Vietnam Veterans, who were abandoned when we came home, that can never happen again! They could be Iraqi Guardians of the Legacy, Afghan Guardians, Guardians of any theater they served or serve in!
We can also bring in people from civilian life who desire to protect the legacy of "NEVER AGAIN WILL ONE GENERATION OF VETERANS ABANDON ANOTHER".
We are the organization that held the feet of the politicians to the fire to get the benefits we have accomplished for all veterans. The Guardians of the Vietnam Veterans legacy can guard and protect that legacy!
It is a Legacy We Own and if it is caried on by a bunch of Voices of Veterans the Legacy which is our importance will fade away like putting water in the scotch bottle every time you take a drink to keep it full it gets weaker and weaker as you go.
It is the Legacy that is important, not who is on top.
Dennis Phelps Army Engineer
President Chapter 1024
The following is in regard to VVA-National starting a new organization to replace the current VVA as we now know it.