Help for the Homeless

Staffed 24/7by fellow Veterans to support YOU
[non-emergency issues such as benefits & services]
Visit the Tibor Rubin VAMC Website, Facebook & Twitter Pages for more current information about VAMC Activities:
24-hour National Call Center for Homeless Veterans
Keep in Mind: The VAMC is a
Federal facility that follows Federal Laws enforced by Federal Police Dept.

From the May 2019 VFW Magazine
What is CTRS at VA West Los Angeles?
Care Treatment Rehabilitative Service (CTRS) is a low-barrier entry initiative designed to provide homeless veterans a safe and stable place to reside throughout the process of placing them into transitional or permanent housing. While in this short-term program, veterans receive active case management, three meals per day, the option to shower and other services in designated areas on the VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System’s West Los Angeles campus.
NBC News’ Steve Patterson reports on how the Department of Veteran Affairs in West Los Angeles is providing a unique housing solution for homeless veterans amid the coronavirus pandemic.
"The West LA VA campus currently houses 54 permanent supportive housing units open to formerly homeless veterans. Approximately 200 more are scheduled to open in 2022, with the rest of the project unfolding in phases over the next decade.
The plan is only now approaching the earliest stages of major construction due largely to its scale and complexity, said Dan Garcia, CEO of Vets Advocacy, a nonprofit created as part of the settlement stemming from the homeless veteran lawsuit.
'It took a long time to get started,' said Garcia, who is an Army veteran himself and served in Vietnam. 'But I think that we’re in a very good place right now.'
Two significant roadblocks, Garcia said, were an extensive environmental review process and the fact that the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs is not a housing developer and had to bring in an outside team to handle financing and construction of the new master plan. Now that team is in place."